I am Varun Agrawal

Chess Arena International Master (AIM), One of the 780 AIMs in the world, Titled as Bangalore's Youngest Theater Director, Mathematics and Data Science Enthusiast, CEO - Hold A Hand


Math and Data Science Club

Math and Data Science Club is on the Road! The club started off with a bang, with club idea going from an idea to reality within a matter of weeks. The club was officially thrown open to students by the Principal Mr. Jayarajan on Valentine’s Day – quite appropriately, in view of the boundless love for Math that was on display on the occasion!

Aditi Math Club

My aim was to create a vehicle for channelling the enthusiasm of Aditi students and teachers for Math and Statistics. The Math Club had 17 sign-ups on its very first day of inception. The club is open to all students, although participation is actively solicited from Std. 09 upwards. The Math Club runs a Math Wallpaper and Whiteboard. The Wallpaper is a collection of interesting articles, anecdotes, event alerts, and trivia about Math. The Whiteboard is an open public space where students are invited to solve weekly challenge problems. These include visual, geometric problems as well as abstract problems.

Aditi Data Science Club

My latest research is to help Sericulture farmers and artisans. Work presented in The National Conference on Emerging Trends, Innovations, and Applications in Science and Technology, Oct'19. via the group as well. The Data Science Club, formed in 2018, is focused on the collection and analysis of data using the latest technology and data analysis methods. The club has set out its own grand vision and has begun by designing a simple survey, and making preparations to analyse the data using SAS software.


Mathematics is not a careful march down a well-cleared highway, but a journey into a strange wilderness, where the explorers often get lost.
Amir D. Aczel

Computer Science Research

Computer algorithms and mathermatical modeling are excellent tools to solve real challenges. Below are some of my efforts.

Predictive Modeling Using Clinical Bio-markers

Predictive model for the Detection and Progression of Parkinson's Disease using Motor and Non-Motor Biomarkers. [Primary databases: Morris K. Udall Centers of Excellence @ Univ. of Michigan, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Supported by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,USA]

Image Identification Using CNN

Automated Identification of Tree Types using Convolutional Neural Networks on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images of Remote Forests. [Under review- Harvard Journal of Emerging Investigators]

Mathematical Modeling Using Celluler Automata

Optimization of Spatial Distribution by Simulation of Silkworms on Chandranki using Cellular Automata. [As presented at National Conference on Emerging Trends, Innovations & Applications in Science & Technology, 1st October 2019]

Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible. Richard P. Feynman


Earned the Arena International Master title in 2017.
One of the 780 AIMs in the world.

My Chess Book

Mastering Chess Fundamentals:
Practical Lessons from an Arena International Master

I wrote this book for those who are intrigued by this amazing game, and are ready to delve deeper into the amazing world of chess.
With this book, I want to tell you my story, my experiences, and give you a glimpse of what to expect in this wholesome journey. I will give you tips on how to approach the game, and how to strategize your game, rather than teaching you solutions to common scenarios. The game becomes more and more interesting when players use their own creativity and apply fresh ideas to a given situation.

Prize distribution Mallya Aditi Rapid Team Championship, Sep'19
Organized Mallya Aditi Rapid Team Championship, Sep'19.
Click here for more...
Organized Mallya Aditi Rapid Team Championship, Sep'19

- Organized First Interschool Chess Tournament 2019 at MAIS. 108 students across 11 schools participated in the inaugural tournament.
- Started after-school Chess class to tutor Upper-Primary school students at MAIS.


-International Grandmasters Chess Open Tournament 2018, Bhopal. +36 FIDE points
-9th Karnataka State Chess Championship. 1st place Boys Team U-18
-9th Karnataka State Chess Championship. 2nd place Boys Individual U-18
-Karnataka State Championship, Innovators Chess Academy. 3rd place.

2nd Bhopal GM Tournament 2018
9th Chennai GM Tournament 2017
2nd Bhopal GM Tournament 2018

-9th International Grand Master Open Chess Tournament - Chennai 2017. +67 FIDE points
-All-India Fide Rated Tournament- Condor International. 5th place. +23 FIDE points
-4th Karnataka State School Chess Championship. 1st place Boys Team U-16
-4th Karnataka State School Chess Championship. 1st place Boys Individual U-16


-3rd Karnataka state school Chess Championship. 3rd place Boys U-15
-Bangalore Rural District Rapid Chess Tournament. 1st place U-15
-ARA Memorial Interschool Tournament. 2nd place
-Naksha Chess Championship. 3rd place U-15
-II Don Bosco Fide Rated Chess Tournament, Kerala. Best Unrated Player.

II Don Bosco Fide Chess Tournament-Best Player Award
3rd Annual TISB Team Chess Championship
Karnataka State championship 2015

-2nd Karnataka State level School Chess Championship. 2nd place Boys U-14
-St. Philomena Academy Chess Championship. 1st place Boys
-3rd Annual TISB Interschool Chess Championship. 1st place Boys
-Tal Memorial Inter School Chess Championship. 2nd place Boys
-13th Monthly Chess Tournament Bangalore. 1st place Boys
-Bengaluru Chess Academy Tournament. 1st place Boys
-ARA Memorial Interschool Tournament. 2nd place.

Nobody ever won a chess game by resigning

RIV Productions

A premier theater group for all ...we speak the language of art!
Below are few classics adapted by us and transformed to screen play!

RIV Theater Group

Who we are ....

RIV Productions is an established Production House run by the children. Every child dreams big. Children know no bounds and no restraints. So, you can expect fun, laughter, innocence and creativity in each and every one of RIV Production’s plays. Because that’s what being a child is all about.
RIV Productions philosophy is to give every child something to look forward to. We believe that expressing yourself is always better when you do it through drama.
It’s fun, it’s interesting, and it instigates our creativity..

how we started ....

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being. ~Oscar Wilde