When I see a small-tea stall on the road-side, I think how to help.
When I see my neighbour's child not able to afford school, I wonder what to do. When I see an elderly person
struglling to go out and buy his medicines, I question why don't we have a solution yet.
There are countless such opportunities to help that exist in the world around us but most are not discoverable.
This is where ‘Hold-a-Hand' comes in – an enabler platform for ordinary citizens to lend a helping hand in educational,
financial, medical, legal, and other matters to those who need it, but have no means to get it.
Please see Prototype Demo below:
Who am I helping - Manage Profiles
Monitor the people in need, add and manage their profiles. Track the services they need.
How many lives I changed - Stats
Check how many lives you changed. Track how much you improved the world. Feel proud and continue with the journey.
Who needs help - Discover
Opportunities to make world a better place.
Connect with like minded
Connect with like minded people. Share ideas, improve understanding, get inspired.